TPLF & Lt. Col. @AbiyAhmedAli had many chances over 2 years to settle disputes. Instead both escalated tensions. This war isn’t about elections or “rule of law.” This is about the interpretation of & power over the constitution as well as the integrity of #Ethiopia’s federalism.
Lt. Col. @AbiyAhmedAli knows his Medemer “Make #Ethiopia Great Again” nonsense is only supported by a small yet vocal amount of Ethiopians. He knows that if tested in the ballot box, he and his ideas would fail. His only option is to crush all dissent. #OromoProtests #WarOnTigray
Instead of coalition building w other #Ethiopia ethnic groups (esp Oromo), apologizing for past sins, & taking policy & strategic comms high road, TPLF resorted to hardline approach no better than Abiy. While correct in legal assertions, TPLF rhetoric is enormously inflammatory.
Military parades in Mekelle & increasing unitary state fascism in Addis Ababa were clear signs of trouble this year. Fundamental disagreements that ought to have been handled in the ballot box (like we did here in the U.S.) turned into a pissing contest with no core messaging.
Ethiopia should be best understood as a confederation of distinct nations with their own ethnicities and languages agreeing to come together — a family with a back door exit — as opposed to a singular narrative, history, polity, or language.
Embracing the ways in which Ethiopians differ will require creating a framework — as was done in 1995 — that protects identities, respects political autonomy, & builds a vibrant & inclusive democracy. All could’ve been solved via constitutional convention & elections, not war.
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