Perhaps fittingly, that one doctor has made one metric (eliminating COVID) the only factor that matters. Any side effects of mitigation efforts (lost jobs, drug addiction, suicides, kids out of school...) are ascribed no real importance. In Fauciism, tradeoffs barely exist. (1/)
This myopia frees up Fauci to recommend increasingly wacky solutions (hard lockdowns, mask mandates, no school...) b/c any negatives are irrelevant. Lockdowns might sort of work, so do them! Masks might help. Mandate them for everyone everywhere! (2/)
Couple this with the phenomenon @jhaskinscabrera mentions about all contrary views being shunned as anti-consensus and anti-science, and you get our truly toxic real environment of this year. A virus has been weaponized and politicized, its reported cases fetishized. (3/)
Risky mitigations with unproven (at best) positive value are accepted as normal, as necessary, as "following The Science™." All alternative viewpoints are dismissed as denialism, as a combination of selfish and stupid. In reality, they are none of these things. (4/)
Politicians are praised for ever-harder damaging lockdowns, for keeping kids out of school, for shaming Thanksgiving celebrations... Their "science" is assumed unassailable, and promoted by media propaganda. Meanwhile, in the real world... (5/)
A generation of kids goes without school, their development permanently damaged, Millions without jobs. Millions with unnecessary physical and mental health problems, citizens taught to fear and turn against each other. But none of that matters because only one metric does. (6/)
This is not science. It is politics. It is madness. It is evil. And it needs to end. That is all.
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