BREAKING: Voting Software Company WHISTLEBLOWERS Come Forward; Claim Their Software Changed 38 MILLION Votes-Stole Election
Three employees of the voting machine/software company "Dominion" whose products were used in multiple U.S. States for the recent election,have come forward
& are blowing the whistle about OUTRIGHT ELECTION THEFT perpetrated through their company's voting software!

The crux of their testimony: Software switched or simply erased more than 38 MILLION votes.

According to Intelligence COmmunity sources, Dominion software vote-switching
was the Democrats first weapon of choice. Mail-In voting was their second weapon of choice. That's why they froze all the counting on election night, the software wasn't giving them the desired outcome, so they resorted to having vans full of pre-filled ballots delivered at 4a.m.
Giuliani says the 3 whistleblowers have come forward & are willing to testify under oath as to what took place.
What we are beginning to see is evidence of the biggest scandal in the history of the US...
The article clearly states 3.8M & hopefully clarifies it but it's been r/t'ed a lot! I DO believe it's closer to 38 in all but I've always been SO careful to verify everything & never post false info & now credibility's shot due to decimal point typo!🤦🏼‍♀️Just saw comments!Apologies
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