I may be accused of being a local that has become desensitized to violence for saying this but I am frustrated with the international narrative associated with Lebanese wine. 1/9
With the August 4th explosion and the decline of the country's economy, coverage of Lebanon's wine scene understandably became a hot topic for many international publications. 2/9
We need the support right now but the concentrated output emphasized this pre-existing frustration of mine. One after the other, the headlines were increasingly dire. While this *IS* our reality, there is a lack of nuance and depth. 3/9
Even though we have a rich history of winemaking, we are frequently reduced to a paragraph in wine education, if mentioned at all. When we are mentioned in wine media, it is imperative that we use the opportunity to expand readers’ knowledge of who we are & what we can do. 4/9
This should include what we have been through and this can be done through the lens of people, not solely through the lens of war. The ugliness is a part of our lives. But that's just it: it's a bitter part, not the whole tasting note. 5/9
With every blow that the country experiences, be it internally or in the region, we are repeatedly put back in that box: a juxtaposition of lush winemaking in a place of war and destruction. It is the bikini/burka polarity of Lebanon but presented through wines and extremism. 6/9
There is no doubt that what winemakers here have been accomplishing, despite everything, is beyond impressive but pushing this tired angle turns us into a winemaking region that is either pitied, sensationalized, or exoticized. 7/9
We need the attention during this tumultuous time and I would never dare to minimize what we have endured for the last 5 decades (or our entire existence as a young country), but this duality is one that has been endlessly repackaged in parallel. 8/9
Please take those few extra steps when talking about Lebanon. Knock on the front door instead of taking the picture from the driveway. I guarantee you’ll be invited in for coffee - or a glass of wine. 9/9
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