You want the download on hospitals?! We got that.

The only true comparison to gauge "how bad" things are is to compare our current hospital bed and utilization situation WITH past years.

Here. We. Go.

Every state, 2016-18 vs 2020 for Nov 1-9
Taking data from the AHA we were able to retrieve annual stats (total beds, admissions, total days). From there we derived avg hospitalizations per day for 2016-18 (the latest years AHA provides).

This map shows the current increase/decrease in total utilization vs 2016-18.
Utilization is important because beds fluctuate with needs. There are indeed states which are seeing a decent increase of total inpatient beds compared to average expectations. No one can deny that a 28% increase in beds in WI is significant but utilization is only up by 15%.
There are some VERY surprising finds here. Despite the fears coming out of Utah from @GovHerbert and Gov-elect @SpencerJCox total beds and utilization are actually DOWN 2% from previous years!
Same with New Mexico where @GovMLG just put the state into lockdown! Compared to PREVIOUS years New Mexico is 11% UNDER the typical hospital strain they would see in November. Utilization is actually DOWN 8.9% according to the AHA.
Nationally, utilization (occupancy %) stands at about 70% which is about 3.1% higher than the national average from years past but again - because the AHA does NOT provide time series - we estimate that November will seasonably be about 1 to 5% higher than the average
Head back up to the charts in the first tweet to find and share your favorite insights. All data taken from:
1) The AHA data hub: 
2) The HHS Protect Datasets: 

We'll post some more goodies over at  soon!
Kudos to the meticulous and undeterred @kylamb8 who found, collated and collected all of this data to make this possible!
You can follow @justin_hart.
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