Dear people who say "stay hydrated" instead of "drink water":

Thank you. It honestly helps our anxiety around our aquaphobia so much. When we see "drink water" we end up spiraling into some mean self hatred over our phobia.

Y'all are heros to us in being thoughtful with words.
And yes, we know that people who do reminders to drink water are not being malicious. We just wanted to highlight how word choices, and leaving advice like that as open as possible can actually be so helpful to people for many reasons.
Also want to add on, that while it is not intentional "drink water" holds a lot of racist and/or classist weight to it as many people do not live in a place with safe drinking water, and often these people drink alternatives because bottle water? Yeah it's expensive.
Like, we've lived in no drink zones and often we'd buy apple juice because where we lived, it was cheaper to buy apple juice then to buy water and the more affordable water options which were the ones that were more affordable, we couldn't afford the cost of a water cooler for.
Which were the giant water cooler jugs* wow we totally messed up with some brain jumble.
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