How to change hearts and minds (thread). Science is complex. Understanding it can be complex. We have to find ways to get people to really care about the environment because per science, we're losing it. While science communicators try to create simple graphs, it isn't working.
Let me simply "the environment" with Yellowstone wildlife. I'm major wildlife advocate and I often speak on the topic. Presentations can walk us through Yellowstone pre-wolf reintroduction and graphs can present data showing how wolves have increased biodiversity in the park.
But, I also spend a lot of time in the park, along the roads with a spotting scope. People constantly stop to inquire what I'm looking at, and I never deny anyone the opportunity to look through my scope - what they see amazes them. Bears, elk, eagles and wolves!
When they're looking through my scope, I don't give them a big lecture. I just ask one simple question: Do you think that is worth saving? 99.99% of course say, yes! If I gave half of them a presentation, they probably wouldn't get it. The difference is emotional attachment.
Now, let's go to Florida. The state has some of the most diverse wildlife in the nation, as well as habitats, even the only natural reef in the lower 48. But many don't really care. I mean, they don't "really" care. All they see are hunting and fishing grounds.
Let's compare Florida to Costa Rica, also heavily diverse in habitats and wildlife. In CR, people stop traffic, for hours if needed, just to allow a coati (like a raccoon) to cross the road. Very few people hunt and eco-tourism tops the list. It's all attitude towards wildlife.
Why is CR so different? Both FL and CR are financially attached to their wildlife, but CR is more emotionally attached. They love what they have, and they don't want to lose it. They don't even need to understand the science, they just get it!
What we need to do is find ways to make Americans more emotionally attached to our environment. Look through the scope and ask, "is that worth saving?" When a community wants to protect something emotionally, the rest is easy. They'll vote for people who want the same.
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