Alright, here goes nothing: I quit my reporter job last month.
I was struggling with mental health issues and imposter syndrome; working all by myself in a one bedroom apartment in a new city where I knew no one. I tried my best to make friends and stay active in the community by volunteering but it was draining.
I had two nervous breakdowns and switched my medication. Nothing seemed to work. I decided to take a step back from journalism and go back into the service industry where I knew I would have a job and could work on my mental health.
I have no energy to write anymore and no creativity to find story ideas. I'm completely burnt out.
To my fellow journalists: take care of yourselves.
To J-school students: you're not a failure if you don't go into the industry.
I hope to one day be able to return to writing. Stay safe friends.
You can follow @mmrcasalino.
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