World Economic Forum says "you'll own nothing and be happy". This is the most ridiculous and impractical idea. I once read about how they think this would work in practice and it's utterly laughable. Example: let's say you want a smoothie for breakfast. /1
You'll order everything you need to make your smoothie and then it will be delivered to you, blender and all. Because you don't get to own your own blender, you see. You have to rent it each time you want to make something with it. /2
What fun it will be starting your morning by having to get on your computer and place your breakfast order, sit around and wait for it to be delivered, and then have to unpack a heavy-ass blender and set it all up. Can you imagine being "happy" starting your day like that? Lol /3
In the time it takes to do all of that, you could've made and drunk your smoothie 100 times over if you just had your own damn blender set up on your counter, ready to go. Don't forget to pack it up and ship it back when you're done! /4
Seems like a big carbon footprint is being created delivering things like this just to avoid letting people own anything. Oh sorry, the elites will own everything. Just not you. You have to rent it. /5
Want to play videogames? You'll have to rent a console. How do you feel about renting a computer on which you'll store all your personal information? You sure they can't retrieve it somehow after you send it back or that it didn't come with spyware on it? /6
Personally, I really look forward to sleeping on a mattress that some fatty who used it before me dented all the springs. I can't wait to wear clothes worn by strangers with questionable hygiene. Yeah, this is all definitely pointing towards happiness, right guys? /7
I bet the coeliacs will love renting a toaster that's been contaminated with wheat flour particles. There's no better way to happiness than getting glutened first thing in the morning and taking a trip to hospital. /8
You won't own your home either. Maybe you have a nice little farm that you've put a lot of work into, but it's not actually yours and they'll just kick you off of it when it's someone else's "turn" to have it. Won't that kind of insecurity make you happy, pleb? /9
They have to tell us it will make us happy in order to condition us to accept it because once you actually think about it, you'll realise how miserable it will make your daily life. That's why they need to implant that slogan into your head now. /10
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