·˚ ༘♡ ·˚ ♡personal/triggering questions for edtwt (qrt)·˚ ༘♡ ·˚ ♡
1. whats your name? pronouns? sexuality?
2. when did you ed first develop? what type of ed do you have?
3. why did you ed develop? was it influenced by other people?
4. what is the grossest thing you have done bc of your ed?
5. has your ed changed your thoughts/personality? has it made you worse mentally?
6. has your ed caused you to ruin relationships between you and family/friends?
7. do you think you will ever reach your ugw?
8. do you feel like life is pointless if you are not thin?
9. what happens when you reach your ugw? do you feel life will still be worth living or will you feel empty?
10. have you ever took drugs or laxatives to lose weight?
11. have you ever abused laxatives? has it ruined your body?
12. have you ever shit your pants? was it in a public place?
13. have you ever overdosed because of your ed?
14. if you do not do drugs, have you ever considered doing drugs to lose weight?
15. has your ed impacted your grades or brain function?
16. are there certain foods you have not eaten in long periods of time?
17. have you ever purged?
18. what have you purged with?
19. have you ever been hospitalized because of purging?
20. if you cannot purge, have you ever wished you could?
21. are you in a relationship?
22. does your partner know about your ed?
23. does your family or friends know about your ed?
24. have you lost sexual drive because of your ed?
25. are you fatphobic?
26. have you ever judged others for what they eat?
27. whats your worse binge?
28. whats the longest you have fasted?
29. when you reach your ugw, will you lower it or try to maintain?
30. have you ever lied to others in order to avoid being hospitalized?
31. have you ever been hospitalized because of your ed?
32. have you ever harmed yourself (self harm, purge, etc) because of your ed?
33. have you ever attempted suicide because of your ed?
34. how many calories a day are you comfortable with?
35. approximately how many calories was your biggest binge?
36. do you punish yourself after binging?
37. is there anyone you know irl that has an ed?
38. are you competitive with your ed? do you need to feel skinnier than others?
39. do you feel superior to people who are larger than you?
40. if you could go back in time, what would you tell your past self?
41. do you think you will ever be satisfied?
42. have you attempted recovery? was it successful?
43. is there a part of you that doesnt want to recover?
44. have you lost hair bc of your ed?
45. have you ever fainted?
46. have you almost died bc of your ed?
47. are you always cold?
49. are you happy? do you ever think you will be happy?
50. do you feel like happiness will only be achieved if you reach your ugw?
the end <3
also ++ if u guys ever need someone to vent to im here <3 ik how hard it is to live with an ed :( i love you guys
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