One thing I think about a lot is the fact that abortion was a non-issue in US politics not that long ago. RWers *made* it an issue, tied it to religion in a way it hadn't been before, in order to make religious people reliable foot soldiers for conservatism.
Now, if I were a religious person, and I found out that political operatives had deliberately manipulated me in order to gain support for policies that further enrich the wealthy ... I'd be mad! I'd rethink my position on the issue!
I do not like being manipulated. I don't understand why more people on the right don't feel that way. They seem to almost take pleasure in it, to enjoy playing their role in it.
It has come to my attention that not all people think of the '60s and '70s as "not that long ago." All I would ask of such people is that they immediately vacate my lawn.
You could extend this to other things too. Conservative leaders told conservatives climate change is a hoax. Pretty clear now that's wrong. Is any RWer *angry* about being misled? Or smaller stuff, like Jade Helm. Nothing happened there. Anyone mad about being told it would?
They were told if Bill Clinton was elected & raised taxes, it would destroy the economy. Instead there was an extraordinary period of growth. Were any of them angry about being misled? You could do this all day. Why don't they care about being yanked around constantly?
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