Here are my favorite quotes from half of The War on Normal People by @AndrewYang. [THREAD]

It might give you a better idea of why I like him.
"Socialism, communism, and anarchism were all vital political movements. There was a constant whiff of revolution. Even if you rely solely on history, you'd expect a lot of conflict and change ahead as the labor pool shifts due to technological advances."

He knows.
"Our economic system must shift to focus on bettering the lot of the average person...We shape the system. We own it, not the other way around."

We own the system, how Capitalist...
"The market will continue to throw millions of people out of the labor force as automation/tech. improve. In order for society to function when millions of Americans don't have jobs, we will need to rethink the relationship between work and being able to pay for basic needs."
"Our politicians offer half-hearted solutions that will at best nibble at the edges of the problem. The budget for research and development in the Dept. of Labor is only $4 million. We have a 1960s-era government that has few solutions to the problems of 2018."
"The future without jobs will resemble either the cultivated benevolence of Star Trek or the desperate scramble for resources of Mad Max. Unless there is a dramatic course correction, I fear we are heading toward the latter."
"70% of Americans consider themselves part of the middle class... Right now some of the smartest people in the country are trying to figure out how to replace you...The market rewards business leaders for making things more efficient. Efficiency doesn't love normal people."
"We want to believe that the market will resolve most situations. In this case, the market will not resolve the problem-quite the opposite. The market is driven to reduce costs...The market doesn't want to provide for the underemployed truck drivers or cashiers."
"If there is a revolution, it is likely to be born out of race and identity with automation-driven economics as the underlying force... Culture wars will be proxy wars for the economic backdrop."
"how to implement a new single-payer system. We need to do more than nationalize current costs-we need to transform the way that doctors get paid. Adopting Medicare for All or a single-payer system will solve the biggest problems of rampant overbilling and ever-increasing costs."
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