People keep telling me radical feminism is a small sect and in fact, intersectional feminism is dominant and mainstream. I have to disagree, and many rad fems are in high positions of power in women's charity sector too. Many are too scared to be publicly known for their views.
Its like shy Tories. People think Labour will win elections and act confused when young people vote Tory, when in fact, they're much more prevalent than what people think. Rad fem accounts on Twitter are largely anonymous, and hide their views in society too.
The people who tell me intersectionality is mainstream are they themselves, and surround themselves by similar minded people both in real life and online; the echo chamber. However, I read and spend a fair portion of my time reading SWERF and TERF stuff online & tackling it irl.
Its a bit demoralising to hear radical feminism isn't dominant when as a trans person or sex worker, you are systemically discriminated against and degraded. You spend time defending yourself. It isn't a minority at all, or a small sect of feminism. Its larger and quite powerful.
Like whole organisations, sectors of society, charities, essential services etc actively exclude you due to political, moral and social reasons and yet, people be telling you 'they're a minority who think that'. No. It isn't.
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