In 2020, 1,315,667 very old &/or very sick people died just like every other year, except that this year a test (I can’t even call it a diagnostic test, because it isn’t) was used to fraudulently label these deaths as attributable to covid. Average age of death approx 80yrs old.
But, but the spike right? Well yes, that’s what happens when govts implement policies to empty hospitals & put sick people into care homes, when the elderly & vulnerable are isolated & people are too terrified to go to hospital or are refused hospital care. When people panic. 😐
But that could never happen you say? You wouldn’t think so but it’s not unprecedented albeit this was on a smaller scale:
And it’s not like it wasn’t attempted before on a grand scale either:
And here we have in 2014 Germany’s covid19 PCR creator Christian Drosten about how back then he knew the test could be misleading if used on asymptomatic people:
And explicitly saying that asymptomatic people should not be tested.
Why? Because as he says, it causes health systems to collapse, beds get used for mild cases & aren’t available for the really sick & when you test that many people it leads to mistakes in results due to the huge workload.
And then from the sadly now deceased Nobel winning inventor of the PCR method, of amplified too much, you can find almost anything, & all reports suggest that in 2020 amplifying cycles are well beyond the recommended number:
Still can’t believe this could happen, then why do the experts who aren’t affiliated with the vaccine companies saying the IFR is equivalent to a bad flu year? And even the WHO has published this finding (quietly mind you)?
So, please tell me, why are we continuing to participate in this madness? A madness that saw large swathes of the elderly in care homes essentially murdered, health care for other conditions also murderously diminished, that has seen millions of jobs lost & businesses destroyed.
Can you please take off the panic goggles and truly open your eyes? Please.
For those who think I might be overblowing the carnage in care homes & the murderous nature of it:
(And this thread doesn’t even cover the DNR, refusal of care & residents literally being abandoned issues)
I’ll also move Max’s tweet onto this thread as we have another expert weighing in on the PCR test & it’s use. Also see UK expert @MichaelYeadon3 who regularly tweets about this issue.
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