Loved the @PIE_Entsoc speed networking event at #EntSoc20 yesterday, organized by @LJ_nixon19 and @nick_larsonnrl. I have seen a few people highlight some of the common questions they got during the event, and want to do the same. Mine focus on the #USDA and #storedproducts.
A common question I got was 1) do you like working for the #USDA and why?

The answer is unequivocally yes, and here's why...

1) cont'd
Base government funding guarantees at least a certain amount of money to my lab every year for research and travel, and I have been provided with a permanent, MS-level technician to support continuity of research.

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I am able to perform important research informed by stakeholder input and with clear applications to society, while not having my attention constantly split among teaching/outreach/extension. I do those things when I choose, but get to focus on research!

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The tradeoff is increased paperwork, and that I have to work in stored products. BUT--every job has its disadvantages, so you must decide which you can bear. AND, I still have broad leeway to ask questions I am interested in on chemical ecology, behavior etc.
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Finally, because my location is near @KSUEntomology, and I have such great collaborators there, my role as a graduate adjunct faculty member allows me to co-advise and mentor students, while also experiencing the cultural enrichment of being near a university
Second question, 2) what's a misconception that people have about #government scientists?

A common one I have encountered is that "gov't scientists are not productive, lazy, or not as impactful as professors at university". This is simply not true, and here's why...
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In my lab, I currently have four Ph.D. students, a permanent MS tech, and five undergraduate technicians. This past year, we collectively published 18 peer-reviewed MS, obtained >$1.6 million in extramural funding, >50 planned talks, etc.

2) cont'd

I am not the only one who is productive. Highly productive labs abound at @USDA_ARS, including @BMSBresearch, @Phytoseiid, Jian Duan, and David Shapiro-Ilyan, just to name a handful--and there are many others out there.

Finally, 3) you went from #veggies--> #fruit-->stored products. How easy were the transitions between each, and did you know anything about stored products prior to your current position?

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The short answer is I did chemical ecology, #behavior, and #IPM in each of these commodities. And, once you have the basics of these down in one commodity, it's pretty easy to apply what you know to a new system.

3) cont'd

I had no prior knowledge of stored products, but I was able to apply what I knew from other systems to my new system. Changing between systems will only demonstrate to future employers that you are adaptable and can take on any challenge.

Be sure to check out @Phytoseiid discussion of her common questions from the speed networking event related to the #USDA, here:

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