If your brand of feminism includes attacking females who ask for safe spaces & sports for women & girls while at the same time fawning over a trans identifying male who makes a living selling dick pics & videos it’s maybe time to reconsider schooling others on feminism @Luiseach.
Is worshipping and promoting misogynistic trans identifying males while targeting women’s rights activists, labelling them TERFs, Karens and transphobes really what the suffragettes had in mind for 2020s feminism?
Sorcha just like Aidan Comerford desperately seeks the approval of TIMs in the most excruciating way. Dignity discarded. Subservience insisted upon.
Consenting to be labelled “cis”. Not speaking unless invited to do so by a trans person. How embarrassing. How desperate.
Like many trans activists Sorcha has a particular disdain for JK Rowling, often singling her out for special attention. Because after all, that’s what all *real* feminists do, right?
If you view this person in the first picture as “an absolute queen” who you “love so much” yet view the person in the second picture with disgust and revulsion then maybe you’re not the feminist you thought you were Sorcha/ @Luiseach?
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