Extremely proud of the fantastic work that Momentum members and staff did in helping to get 5 socialist candidates elected to the NEC, and I’m also proud of the collaboration that ran throughout the campaign. (1/6)
Momentum worked very closely with other organisations in the CLGA and supported their candidates. Without this, and the hard work of many Labour left activists, there would have been no left success. (2/6)
The CLGA produced a left slate and Momentum stood by its commitment to achieve a united left slate for the NEC elections. There are major reforms needed for the CLGA, and Momentum will play its role in bringing greater democracy and accountability to it. (3/6)
But, it is deeply disappointing to see sectarian, inaccurate & divisive public attacks on Momentum by one left-wing social media account, especially when socialists should be celebrating. This type of nonsense has blighted the left for too long, we will not be baited by it. (4/6)
Momentum has tens of thousands of members and a democratically elected NCG with affiliated trade unions and left orgs. We are accountable in a way that social media accounts are not, and therefore will not engage in public sectarian attacks that damage and divide the left. (5/6)
Momentum remain committed to building a pluralistic and democratic movement that focuses on taking the fight to the Tories and the right. This victory is just the start and we encourage anyone who shares these ambitions to get involved and join. (6/6) https://join.peoplesmomentum.com 
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