how to use trigger warnings on twitter correctly!!!!!! A DETAILED THREAD.
firstly: let’s get one thing clear. everyones triggers are so VALID. never feel ashamed of your triggers. they are not for someone else to mock. YOUR TRIGGERS ARE COMPLETELY VALID.
first point of call.
this thread will include some words that you may find triggering - PLEASE READ WITH CAUTION. i will place trigger warnings of my own at the start of every tweet.
tw // racism.


a bad example: tw // r*pe
a good example: tw // rape

censoring words can cause people to read over the word without realising, therefore meaning the trigger warning is as good as useless. i will explain more why censoring is bad
tw // rape

censoring is bad bc in some cases of severe triggers people decide to mute those words. so if you put
- tw // r*pe
- someone has the word rape muted, but as you have put a ‘*’ in there this tweet will still come up on their timeline, meaning the tw is useless.
tw // rape

secondly, spacing of letters.

- putting tw//rape IS BAD.
- it’s bad bc it creates one word. once again, for people who have this muted it will still come up on their timeline, and the tw is once again useless.
- it is also hard to spot, and someone who may get +
tw // rape

+ triggered by this may not be able to clearly read it, therefore they may get triggered by it.

the dashes have to be spaced out. examples of BAD tw’s:

- tw// rape
- tw //rape
- tw//rape


- tw // rape
another point i want to include.
many people argue that ‘i am not responsible for someone else’s trigger”

- okay, fine. valid point. YOU are not responsible for someones trigger. BUT, it takes less than a couple of seconds to take a precaution to hopefully prevent someone from
seeing something that could severely trigger them.

it takes less than a second to use a tw to help someone else out. be a good, decent human being.

some examples of triggering subjects that NEED to be tw’d (obviously there are individual triggers, these are some of the more common ones.)

- racism
- homophobia
- transphobia
- sexual assault
- self harm
- suicide
- gore
i’ve also seen people getting angry about adding TW’s for body image.

yes, you should be able to comfortably post a picture of yourself. and to feel confident - of course. we aren’t saying that.

we are simply asking for someone to TW body image to help someone ELSE.
if you need any help with the body image tw please reply or message me. i will explain it as best as i can.
“i’ve seen cw on the timeline - what does that mean?”

- so a tw = trigger warning
- a cw = content warning

these are two different things! a trigger warning is used when someone may get TRIGGERED by something.

a content warning is when a tweet includes something that may +
+ make people feel uncomfortable. in the next tweet i will give the biggest example of this and explain why it is a cw and not a tw.
cw // mention of food

so, why use a cw on food and not a tw?
we use cw’s on food to tame the stigma around food that is apparent on twitter.

- posting food should be normalised, which is why it is a cw.
before i go i’d like to add - please don’t joke about triggers. they’re not for you to mock, they’re real and they affect so many people in so many ways.

that is all. get educated & do your bit to make twitter a little more friendly and safe for everyone.
another point to add if y’all are still seeing this!!

try and add a couple of spaces underneath your tw to your tweet - if it’s bunched up it means someone may see it before they read the tw. example:

tw // (potential trigger)
(insert tweet here)
back to body image bc y’all are mad about this -

in my personal opinion (i cant speak for everyone) i would tw body image because i’d rather someone got annoyed at me for including it than get triggered if i didn’t. some ppl don’t like the idea of it & that’s fine. be careful.
ok wow - this blew up. i don’t wanna promote fancams or anything bc this is serious but whilst you’re here:

i KNOW you’re seeing all the donation and petition links for the philippines - PLEASE retweet them. please spread awareness. we need to use our privilege for good.
You can follow @1980STRUSTFALL.
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