I read an interesting piece on the defeat of UAE/RU in Libya. The points were:

1) AD systems which gave deployment zones security from air attack.

2) AD frigates to secure airspace along coast.

3) Jamming of recon drones, to prevent them from pinpointing friendly positions.
4) Use of recon drones immune to jamming.

5) Use of long range, precision guided artillery systems.

6) Use of KORAL and drone EW systems to pinpoint and suppress enemy air defenses.

7) TB2 for attacks.

Once enemy air defense was eliminated, logistical points were targeted.
The recent victory in Azerbaijan is similar, except for the additional inclusion of "trap" drones designed to trick AD into revealing position, commandos, and ballistic missiles.

The ballistic missiles were used similarly to long range artillery: destruction of AD assets.
The commandos used their penetrative abilities (greater detachability from communication lines, stealth, superior local strength) to attain strategic positions behind enemy lines, then served as recon for fire support assets (artillery, drones).
The strategic goal was, again, locating and degrading AD, creating gaps in opponent line through pressure and drone attack, exploiting gaps with penetrative SpecOps groups which were networked with support assets. By cutting supply lines and breaking moral, victory was achieved.
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