This gona be messy but TME/TMA offer a complex analysis of transphobia, transmisogyny and who it effects most, it doesnt diminish what trans men/mascs face, it should highlight the issues our sisters/siblings face that we actually dont.
Just bc people on here use it as a new binary doesnt mean it is, just bc people are using it and not actually thinking about what TME/TMA actually means doesnt mean it's not important when discussing transmisogyny specifically and the how deep and insidious it is
And people using it as a trump card doesn't mean it is one, it's a serious issue. TME ppl can empathise but no we do not experience the very specific experience of transmisogyny the way TMA ppl do. Even historically. It doesnt mean transphobia is any less vicious or harmful
But that specific experience, we do not have. Which is important to acknowledge otherwise we often contribute to it, TME people CAN be transmisogynistic too. This is all important and something any TME person needs to acknowledge and then unpack.
Like that's my thoughts, probably not my place, but seeing folks dismiss what actually helps trans women talk about their specific experience as something harmful doesn't sit right
And tbh at first glance a couple months ago when i first seen it I didnt understand so assumed it was enforcing something but like its literally not and if someones using it wrong thats on them. And of course there are discussions to be had about how a tme person can
have an experience where transmisogyny is aimed at them but still being TME. those experiences dont disprove anything or are worth any less, it's just another conversation to be had. Please correct me if I'm wrong like im open to take in anything.
Also no trans women are saying that our struggles arent real, idk anyone who believes that, they are however highlighting something they go through, someone belittling your experiences is them choosing to do so, not bc trans women are addressing transmisogyny
Like if someones using tma/tme to belittle your experience, thats wrong and usually a bit of transphobia. someone using it to mean AFAB(which seems to be v common), is wrong and harmful. But that's NOT what they mean. Just adding bc I seen another tweet.
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