With outbreaks rising in #COVID19 hotspots, I’m seeing a return in concerning & unethical policies around family caregiver entry into #LTC.

Here’s some reasons why only restricting family caregiver visits to just “end-of-life” is wrong:


1/ Family caregivers are essential partners in care. They assist with hands on care such as feeding, bathing, and taking medications. So when homes are further short-staffed in an outbreak, can they ensure that these needs are met without family assistance? (Hint: they can’t).
2/ Often, when people are at end-of-life, they are usually unconscious or unable to communicate. How can families say their goodbyes & spend quality time together if family members are ONLY allowed in the last hours/days?
3/ This policy assumes that decline in health to end-of-life is predictable. But sometimes, people die suddenly. With a disease like #COVID19, a decline in health can be quick (within hours) for frail seniors. With staffing levels so low, who would closely monitor for this?
4/ Providing end-of-life care for someone who is dying from #COVID19 requires skill & training. For example, extra doses of medicines (e.g. opioids) may be needed to control symptoms like breathlessness. Family caregivers are often the first to recognize under-treated symptoms.
5/ The pandemic has exposed our LTC systems' failure to support family caregivers. Rather than receiving help for grief & burnout, they have had to be whistleblowers to protect their loved ones in LTC. This has taken a toll and is completely unfair.
6/ Good care happens when health workers, patients & family are all working together. #LTC homes need to do the right thing & allow family caregivers access, regardless of outbreak status. The Ontario government needs to enshrine the rights of essential family caregivers in law.
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