This most important level of self-awareness is the awareness of your thoughts. Until you develop this awareness, you’re always subject to manipulation and control by forces outside yourself. 1/
Once you develop this awareness, you have the ability to see yourself – inside and out – and view the experience you’re witnessing the way you could if it was happening to someone else. 2/
What you are aware of, you can direct; what you are oblivious to directs you. 3/
What we’re going for here is to change your thought process. Following are some actions that will help you in that process... 4/
Spend daily self-development time. (Create a learning curriculum of positive podcasts, blogs, and books for this.) 5/
Invest in things that help you progress (books, seminars, continuing education, etc.), not things to impress other people. 6/
Surround yourself with people who challenge you and force you to be a little breathless to keep up. 7/
Schedule at least 45 minutes every week simply to think. (Block it off and do it.) 8/
Every time you uncover a belief or fear you that can’t do something, question the premise. Ascertain whether the action is really not possible for you or you just bought into bad programming. 9/
Do cardiovascular exercise every day. Eat and drink to fuel your nutritional needs, not for pleasure and taste alone. 11/
Nurture your curiosity. The greatest breakthroughs of humankind have primarily come from people who were curious. 12/
Have some hobbies and varied interests that cause you to explore new and different areas. 13/
Create new neural pathways in your brain by doing sudoku, crossword puzzles, and brain teasers. 14/
Begin and end every day with a prayer of gratitude. Keep your heart in breathtaking awe at the daily miracles you experience. 15/
You have to thoughtfully select what kind of programming you are exposed to. And when you are randomly subjected to external programming, you must consciously and mindfully choose how to respond to that. 16/
We're all victims of circumstances & environment at some point. To create the change, you must become a “program director” for your mind - purposely selecting as much of the stimuli you receive and be mindful about how you respond to the rest. 17/
Instead of living in victimhood, you will then become a co-creator of your life, becoming the highest possible version of yourself. 18/
There is still one more area on which you’re going to need to run a virus scan and update in your operating system: The people in your life. But that's for another Tweet storm... 19/end
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