It's not just that they did this, it's that they deliberately picked letters that don't represent Trump's actual base of support.
Former Democrat and a Black entrepreneur. Truly the median for Trump supporters.
They've also chosen letters that focus on Trump's policies, especially those that affect the poor.
Not a single letter in here from someone expressing racist or sexist views. Nothing about Q or owning the libs or George Soros's globalist cabal. Nothing from lifelong Republicans voting out of habit.
This is the central conundrum of progressive media during the Trump era. Soliciting views from actual Trump voters gets you a lot of stuff that's either wacky (Soros), incorrect (they're coming to take my guns!) or boring (I'm a Republican).
They end up printing steel-manned caricatures of minority and economically anxious Trump voters because they're interesting and unexpected and fit for a family newspaper. As a result, they give readers the impression that those kinds of people make up the majority of his support.
Aaaaand there it is
This is what drives me absolutely batty about this guy. He keeps saying stuff like this, then spends most of his time on here scolding people who are actually *acting like Trump is dangerous.* Do you want to defeat authoritarianism or not?
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