I’m in downtown #DC. The streets around the White House are full of people w/ Trump flags, Texas flags, “come and take” my guns flags, thin blue line flags & more. Chants of “four more years” echo from Freedom Plaza. A man on a bike rode past shouting, “No more Nazis!” #dcprotest
Outside SCOTUS, a large crowd of Trump supporters have arrived, surrounding local antifascist protesters on three sides with flags. The police are standing in between as Trump supporters chant “fuck Antifa” and the black-clad counterprotesters shout: “You lost!” #dcprotests
Frendship Heights resident & #DC protester Justin, 37, in the “Officer Pudge” outfit, says he was marching with the MAGA crowd to mock them — but no one really got it. He started a chant: “Only count Trump votes” and waved his sign to cheers. “It’s crazy,” he told me. #dcprotests
Riot cops line up outside the Supreme Court, facing their shields toward the relatively small counterprotest as thousands of Trump supporters continue to fill the street. Lost Trump supporters keep wandering over as antifascists yell “Turn around!” #DCProtests
The Proud Boys arrived at the Supreme Court rally, as police scrambled to keep them back. After I took this, officers cleared the entire area on the other side of the fence opposite where Proud Boys and supporters had gathered. #DCProtests – bei Supreme Court of the United States
Snippets of speeches happening near SCOTUS steps keep floating over the crowd. “This is not a democracy,” I just heard a speaker say. “It is a republic of states.”

Here, protesters w/ shields have lined up to face riot police as the Trump crowd continues to churn. #dcprotest – bei Supreme Court of the United States
Antifascist and anti-Trump protesters are on the move after hours of being locked in a confrontation with Trump supporters at the Supreme Court. Not sure where they’re headed, walking toward Mass Ave. now. #dcprotest
A Trump supporter stood in the middle of 2nd St NE waving a Trump 2020 flag as passing protesters pushed and prodded it. One demonstrator grabbed the fabric, trying to pull it down.

“Cowards, you’re all cowards,” shouted a man in a red Make America Great Again hat. #DCprotests
As the group turned onto Mass Ave, a giant Biden Harris flag appeared in an apt window above.
It bobbed and danced to the beat of their chant. The crowd called out as more onlookers appeared in windows and on balconies: “Out of your homes & into the street!” None obliged. #DC
This group of protesters has been taunting Trump supporters as they pass. This woman has been walking alongside them for a while holding up her “Jesus saves” sign as demonstrators called out to her: “Jesus would vote Democrat!” “Black Jesus matters!” #dcprotest
Back at Black Lives Matter Plaza, as Trump supporters are trying to push through the crowd as protesters jeer and chant at them to leave. Small confrontations so far, with a couple MAGA hats and Trump flags snatched off of departing Trump supporters. #DCprotest
Those snatched Trump items? Yeah, they set them on fire. #DCprotest – bei Black Lives Matter Plaza
This scene keeps repeating: Trump supporter walks through crowd, they get heckled & jeered. Someone tries to take a hat or a flag or a sign to add to a growing pile of burning items. Then they push back & a scuffle breaks out. Police then pull the Trump folks behind the line. #DC
Large roving crowd of Trump supporters, Proud Boys among them, are roving around downtown #DC. They’re chanting: “Whose streets? Our streets!” A number came from Harry’s — their go-to bar in town. Police are out in riot gear. #DCprotest
This group — w/ Proud Boys in the yellow & black — is trying to march to BLM Plaza, as police in riot gear walk along side them. Officers have shut down the street at H and Vermont, not allowing them to pass. But as they march up together, it really looks like a police escort.
Angered by the police line at BLM, this group is on the move again. A line of bike cops is trailing close behind as we pass the White House. #DCProtests
An observation: You can smell the liquor in this crowd. And I am wearing two masks.
They’re on the move again after a alcohol-soaked stop on Pennsylvania Ave. I’m not sure where they’re going or if they know. Walking past the Museum of African American History and Culture now. Pro-Trump crowd is again chanting “whose streets? Our streets!” #DCProtests
Figured out where they’re going. #DC #DCProtests
Around the monument and chanting “four more years,” this group also switched to “whose monument, our monument!” as they marched up. Some fawning happening around the Proud Boys as a man calls out, “I love you guys.” A dude in gold & black says, “Well the Proud Boys love you!” #DC
Overheard two men in Proud Boy colors saying “the plan right now is to draw antifa over here.” Lots of talk about “antifa” out here.

A new chant now: “Good job, Kyle!” In an apparent reference to Kyle Rittenhouse, accused of fatally shooting 2 people at a protest in Kenosha, WI.
They’re on the move again, walking up past the Ellipse. Another riff on a common chant I’ve heard out here is “A-C-A-B! All commies are bastards!” #DCProtests
For updates from the still-roaming Proud Boys contingent, follow my stalwart colleagues who remain in tow: @PeteJamison @MikeMillerDC @justinwmmoyer #DCProtests
You can follow @Marissa_Jae.
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