Great to hear @Matthuber78 on @jacobinmag arguing that environment + class must be thought and tackled together!

Fully agreed - and one of the key goals and principles of Degrowth.

But then, why does Matt so blatantly misportray Degrowth?

Let’s put the record straight.

@Matthuber78 states that any environmental politics must secure people’s basic needs, strengthen the working class and tackle inequalities. Great, couldn't agree more!

But then why does Matt completely overlook the LONG list of Degrowth policies that do precisely that?

A few examples of such Degrowth policies:

-Decommodify basic needs
-Universal Basic Services
-Universal Basic Income
-Cancel illegitimate debts
-job guarantee
-living wage
-reduce working time
-re-allocate productivity gains into work time reduction and job creation

More such Degrowth policies:

-redistribute undesirable jobs
-recognise unpaid, informal activities
-right to part time work
-democractic owernship of business
-Make democracy more participatory
-Regulate lobbying
-strenghten the commons
-support co-operatives

Even more such Degrowth policies:

-remove economic rents (unearned income from capital and land)
-(Housing) rent controls
-Interdiction to own more than two dwellings
-More social housing
-Global wealth tax
-Capital gain tax
-inheritance tax
-Tax on property

Aaand even more:

-global tax on financial transactions
-tax on transnational profits
-global minimum corporate tax
-maximum income
-Progressive income tax
-Tax on luxury products
-Progressive tax on consumption, resource use, pollution, waste

There’s a lot of Degrowth literature out there explaining why and how these policies are progressive, secure basic needs and strengthen the working class.

A few recent examples:

1) Less is More, by @jasonhickel 

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