Paul instructed younger women to marry and learn to manage a household. Not career, singleness, or world travel.

“I will therefore that the younger women marry, bear children, guide the house, give none occasion to the adversary to speak reproachfully.” 1 Tim 5:14 1/
2/ Sadly, the church often glorifies singleness, which is not the normal path of salvation for women. They will be saved thru child rearing. Keeping a home.

What’s also sad is how many godly young people can’t find a suitable spouse in this feminist wasteland.
3/ don’t lose heart. There are good people out there who want what you want.

Don’t sit on your hands. Be clever like Ruth and Abraham. You might have to travel, talk to other pastors/elders, & go out of your way.

Networking is crucial.
As fathers, we must take an active role in finding spouses for our children. Don’t let your daughter aimlessly chase a career while sleeping around & getting repeatedly dumped by losers.

Pray. Plot. Prepare them from the early years. Network w/ like minded families.
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