The signs as songs from Positions by Ariana Grande đŸŽ¶

Aries: six thirty
Taurus: just like magic
Gemini: 34+35
Cancer: safety net
Leo: POV
Virgo: my hair
Libra: positions
Scorpio: motive + west side
Sag: love language
Cap: off the table + shut up
Aqua: nasty
Pisces: obvious
Aries: Six Thirty
“I know I be on some bullshit” Aries are very self-aware of their shortcomings and how they can drive the ones they love crazy at times, and they’re more than willing to take accountability for this. But they also need someone who is going to accept them fully
and Aries will accept their flaws in return. Aries is all about sticking together and working through the hard times as a couple – not just giving up when the going gets tough. “you know I’m very impatient” Aries likes things done their way, at their pace
but they are more patient with their partner than they seem – they just love to tease them! “I just wonder if you’re gonna stay” Aries want one person who they can grow old with, who knows them inside and out. They on that soulmate sh*t for real.
‘Are you down?” Aries wants someone who is in it forever, so they’ll give you ample warning & opportunity to leave their life before you commit to each other. They don’t want you around if you aren’t sure about your feelings, or if you’re gonna get cold feet later on and run away
Taurus: just like magic
“just wanna have a good day” Taurus just want a peaceful life. They’d rather be bored than have a life full of drama; they spend their days doing things that bring them joy. “Think it in my head then it happens” Taurus manifest success so easily!
“good karma my aesthetic, keep my conscience clear, that’s why im so magnetic” Taurus aren’t in the business of acting out of pocket/doing others dirty, this serves them well and attracts people easily to them. People know that they’re safe in the company of a Taurus
“gotta keep a slim ego for a thick wallet” Taurus naturally find success and wealth in their lives, but remain very humble in spite of it all. Taurus do not care about being better than others, they’d much rather everyone be equally successful and thriving
Gemini: 34+35
“Can you stay up all night?” Gemini need someone who can keep them entertained. They don’t want to get bogged down with the heavier things in life if they can help it. They want someone who they can talk to all night as well as **** with all night
"I know all your favourite spots" Gemini are amazing at picking up on the intricate details about others, and can use this to go the extra mile in making sure someone has the best time. they're also very selfless lovers. They enjoy seeing you enjoying yourself
"It means I wanna 69 with ya... no sh*t" y'all are just funny as hell, thats the tweet
Cancer: Safety Net
"how we get here so damn fast?" Cancers are the CEO of falling hard and falling fast, they know how they feel about you after meeting you once and they're not ashamed to admit it. They just hope they don't get hurt...again
"is it real this time or is it in my head?" Cancers tend to put people on pedestals and see them for their best qualities, often ignoring red flags. Because they've been hurt many times in the past, they can't help but wonder if everyone will always inevitably hurt them
"Let your guard down" Cancers want you to know that you can trust them enough to be your authentic self around them. A cancer won't judge you for your past mistakes or flaws, they want to hold your hand through all of your struggles
Leo: POV
"Permeate my ego and my pride" it's no surprise that the lion of the zodiac is the most prideful, but often their confidence and self assurance is a cover up for their deeper insecurities and fears, it takes someone special to knock down their walls
"I wanna love me, the way that you love me" Leo's biggest goal at the end of the day is to learn to love themselves whole heartedly for who they are at their core, and to overcome every insecurity. So when someone else shows them just how lovable they are - that matters
"still getting good at not leaving" Leo is sometimes guilty of dropping out of relationships prematurely/at the first sign of trouble, either because of their extremely high standards, or personal doubts, and sticking it out with one person is definitely a goal they wanna achieve
Virgo: My hair
"I'ma give you some instructions" Virgos like to be in control, and they know what they like, so they'll be open and honest with you about it; better to avoid disappointments and to prevent any anxieties around the issue of communication
"Like the way you do my mind" For Virgos, physical attraction is second to the mental chemistry between two people. They're more turned on by intelligence, humour and compassion than a pretty face. They want you to meet them at their level, and to challenge them
"don't you be scared" Virgos are all about comforting their partner and making sure they feel safe and secure in the relationship. They'll exhibit plenty of patience and care, treating you as if you're the most delicate thing they've ever touched. They want to earn mutual trust
Libra: Positions
"switchin for you" Libras are incredibly versatile and can play many different roles, and thats why they're so hard to replace, and so addicting to be with. They will give you everything you could ever need, so don't bother looking for greener grass anywhere else
"I get tired of runnin', fuck it" Libras can be indecisive perfectionists, and struggle to find someone who they're willing to settle down with, but when they meet the perfect person they have this epiphany moment and they're ready to give into the romance and devotion fully
"some shit that I usually don't do" Libra is very dignified and refuses to ever put themselves in positions where they can be made to look like a fool, so if they trust you enough to shout from the rooftops how much they love and trust you, you're really special - don't f it up
Scorpio: motive + west side

“tell me why i get this feeling” Scorpio are one of the most intuitive and emotionally intelligent signs of the zodiac, they can pick up on changes in body language and speech, and predict your next move before you’ve even begun to make it
“what’s your motive?” scorpio feels deeply and so when you hurt them, you hurt them badly. they’re naturally suspicious of the actions of others, because they know all too well that some people do not have pure intentions towards them and their fragile hearts
“i am the only for sure” scorpio will ride or die for you like no other sign will. their loyalty wouldn’t even waver in the face of certain death. so they expect you to match their intense passion and loyalty, and appreciate their devotion; it’s that once in a lifetime love
Sagittarius: Love Language
“i know you’re probably thinking what’s the use” Sag loves to play hard to get, and make sure that their partner is someone who is willing to put the work in. Only those who go the extra mile to prove their devotion to Sag will be given the time of day
“promise it’s the little things you do” Sag dont care for expensive but meaningless gifts. they’re much more impressed by small but meaningful tokens, quality time spent together and acts of service and appreciation. if you actually take the time to understand them, it’s simple
“you can talk your shit all night” Sag aren’t opposed to a little bit of bickering, they live for the fiery passion, you just better make sure you’re balancing out that heat with the right amount of sweetness or you’re going to get burned. Sag doesn’t play around
Cap: off the table + shut up
“never thought you’d be so damn hard to replace” capricorns don’t like to admit just how emotional and vulnerable they are, or allow themselves to rely too much on someone who might let them down or walk away. they try to meet all their own needs
“should i sit this one out, wait for the next life?” it takes Capricorn a long time to fully open up and trust someone, so when they lose that they find it hard to believe they’ll ever find someone else. they’ll be torn between not wanting to be alone, and protecting their heart
“them demons helped me see shit differently, so don’t be sad for me” most Caps go through a lot at an early age, but it makes them wiser and stronger, and usually contributes to their later success in some way. their perspective on the world is so nuanced and enlightened
Aquarius: nasty
“you got me all up in my feels” aquarius are not the emotionless robots they’re characterised as, they just don’t fall in love with every stranger they see on the street. when they meet the right person they fall madly in love, almost infatuated with love itself
“i just wanna keep it real” aquarius aren’t fans of beating round the bush or telling little white lies, they’re going to be real with you so they expect the same honesty and authenticity from you in return. speak your mind about your feelings; on them and in general
“it’s gon be hard to break the habit” Aquarius bring something utterly unique to the table, and that’s going to make them hard to replace or get over. You’re never gonna find another one like them, so if you’re lucky enough for them to choose you, appreciate what you have
Pisces: Obvious
“nothin more important” if pisces loves you, you will be second to none in their eyes. in fact, they’ll probably struggle to focus on work and other responsibilities. they want to be with you always, and daydream about you whenever you’re away
“i knew you were the real thing when you walked through that door” pisces is known as the natural psychic of the zodiac and so they often have gut feelings about people that usually turn out to be right. for pisces, love at first sight is a real thing and it’s powerful
“my love is free” pisces don’t want anything in return for their love and loyalty, except your love and loyalty. if you can make them feel safe and valued, they’ll never have their head turned or complain. they’re looking for their fairytale ending, not a business transaction
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