1. By failing to implement strategies to reduce transmission in schools, the UK government is squandering the second lockdown. If cases stay flat or continue to climb, what will happen on December 2nd?

If the government releases lockdown with 20k - 30k cases per day...
2. ...the NHS will be overwhelmed. If it extends lockdown, many businesses will never recover. We needed a comprehensive approach to the pandemic. We still haven't got one. A pandemic response is only as effective as its weakest link.
3. In this case the weakest link is schools. One way systems and cleaning surfaces more regularly are not effective ways to prevent transmission of a respiratory virus that is spread through the air. No other country in the world, not even Sweden, is packing 30-plus children...
4. ... and staff into classrooms without masks or physical distancing. The UK is alone in maintaining the fiction that schools don't need smaller class sizes, better ventilation and masks in classrooms. If I ran a pub, restaurant or gym and had invested in safety measures...
5. ...I'd be irritated to see my sector suffering because the government is failing to learn from the measures taken elsewhere to prevent transmission through schools. If cases are allowed to continue at this level throughout winter, much of the economy will be forced...
6. ...to remain closed to avoid overwhelming the NHS. The government needs to implement measures to bring community transmission down, and as part of that it must learn from other countries that have done a much better job of keeping schools open safely during the pandemic.
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