I just finished Star Wars Rebels and wow, this might be my favorite piece of Star Wars content ever..

By the end of the series, Kanan and Ezra became (in my opinion) more "true" Jedi than any Jedi of the Order.
We saw the spark that lit the fire of the rebellion, and we saw the transformation of sporadic Rebel Cells into a unified force..

We viewed their sacrifices and saw their transition from a dedicated few that stood no chance in open warfare to the victorious rebels over Scarif
We saw the incompetent commanders and undisciplined troopers of the early occupation of Lothal turn into a formidable viscous opponents thanks to gifted Imperial zealots like Pryce and Thrawn..

The spark not only lit a fire of Rebellion but a fire of Imperial zealotry
And finally we saw the true ways of the Jedi after being gone for so long. Kanans self sacrifice inspiring Ezra to save his home and his found family and Ezra allowing the spark of resistance to turn into a raging fire by removing the most gifted imperial commander from the fight
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