I’m gonna say something abt a controversial topic: vaccines

I know some ppl think vaccines cause autism. The claim is largely debunked, but I want to point something out

Most folks aren’t really scared of vaccines

They are scared of corporate greed

I’ll elaborate

Autism aside, ppl are aware that drug corps & corps in general are trying to make money. Lots of money

Sometimes this greed presses them to be “first to market”

Sometimes during that rush, mistakes are made & discovered

When that happens Corps have decisions to make

Will they stop, take the time to figure out & correct the mistake (if that’s even possible)?

Or, do they run a cost analysis in which they figure out if the number of human lives they damage or destroy r worth more than the money they will make

Ethically, they r already compromised

& the idea of cost of death payments vrs PR/insurance costs is morally reprehensible

But the fact it happens gives ppl pause

Not the efficacy of the vaccine

The fact that the ppl selling it R so greedy they will literally kill u 4 $

I just wanted to point it out because railing against the scientific value of vaccines is foolish. Polio, Mumps, etc.

But the fear of corporate greed- and the way citizens feel unprotected around it- is valid IMO

To sweep the feeling away as invalid or crazy is disingenuous

Personally, I think there is a difference between being an “anti-vaxxer” that think vaccines aren’t valuable, & someone who is aware that Corporations will kill U 4 money without batting an eyelash

Historically, speculation around the moral fiber of a Corp is reasonable, IMO

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