White womanhood must always be interrogated, especially based on how often they align with white men to tear down people of color. Instead of organizing each other, however, we often see this energy placed on blaming anything wrong on Black and brown people.
I am watching the "nowhere near a million" white supremacist march on TV. It is full of white women, spreading COVID-19, cheering on a white nationalist because they can't accept these election results.
The same election results they wanted us to readily accept, which we did, in 2016. It is still amazing, but not surprising, that 55% of white women voted for Trump, a 2% increase from 2016. If we know anything about white womanhood, we know this is anything but shocking.
And while we can break this down into regions and formal education levels, this burden should NOT fall on Black and Brown communities as it so often does. But this is what happens when we spend lifetimes centering the needs of white woman and not on marginalized communities.
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