Just 14 years ago?
If you could travel back in time to tell the 2006 you what's transpiring today they'd have thought you were NUTS.
Americans promising POLITICAL RETALIATION on other Americans?
OPEN censorship of #1A?
In America?
I post pictures on these threads to emphasize my points & I often find myself coming back to the Batman Movie THE DARK KNIGHT RISES by Christopher Nolan.
That Film is a PERFECT STORM that encapsulates what we're now experiencing.
Just ask any American who's emigrated or ESCAPED from oppressor Regimes from around the World.
Ask a Cuban or Venezuelan American.
Or an older Russian who remembers life during the Cold War.
They KNOW what's taking ROOT upon our soil now, they RECOGNIZE it & are horrified.
America, under Reagan won that Cold War because Reagan refused to see the Soviets as anything but the monstrously EVIL EMPIRE they actually were.
"My strategy is this," Reagan said, "We WIN, They LOSE."
The DC Bureaucracy lost their minds.
"HE'LL KILL US ALL!" they cried!
AND THEN WE WON! The Wall came crashing down as the Specter of a Nuclear Armageddon began to fade.

Did you know Reagan's terrified Staffers REMOVED any reference to the Wall from his Speech?
Reagan was quoting the earlier draft from memory.
The speech set before him had been altered WITHOUT HIS PERMISSION.
The same DC Apparatchiks created the Department of Education to CENTRALIZE the learning of America's children & then promptly went to sleep as ENEMIES WITHIN began to use it to indoctrinate the youth with Marxism
The results of our lack of vigilance is now rioting every night in the Pacific Northwest.
Marxism has taken ROOT in the Good 'Ol US of A!
Fomenting the creation of a darker, Second America within the Original as now 40+% of Americans SUBSCRIBE TO IT to one degree or another.
The Media (not just News, but TV & Movies) has reinforced it & now Social Media & BIG TECH does as well.
As Foreign Influence in DC grew to match it.
Putting AMERICAN Interests last as our own Politicians & Lawmakers cast US as the Villains in every endeavor.
"We Rob Elections!"
The debacle of the 2000 Election was 20 years ago.
Dubya managed to win in Court but the Left has NEVER ACCEPTED THAT LOSS.
When WE win they SCREAM "YOU CHEATED!"
When THEY cheat to win they SHOUT "SUCK ON THAT YOU LOSERS!"
They lost again in 2016 & will NEVER accept that either.
Trump BEAT THE CHEAT in 2016.
You DO realize that, right?
They thought they'd PADDED the votes in Key States just like they did on Nov 3rd.
Now these VILE, Lawless Goons really prepared & thought they were ready for Trump & THIS TIME they'd CHEAT him for sure!
One problem.
They'd begun to believe their own BS polling, & with the assurances that BIG TECH & the MSM's SUPER POWER CONTROL over information & messaging they were too confident in their position.
"He no longer matters," they scoffed.
"We've got him COLD!"
As Trump campaigned, networked & rallied tirelessly to BUILD THE RED WAVE he needed to destroy their hold on power once and for all.
Because he KNEW what that RED WAVE would make them do.
He might win outright but Trump KNOWS Democrats.
He set a TRAP!
Trump took NOTES for the 40+ years (that's FOUR DECADES, Folks) he moved in their Circles.
He took NOTES during the 2018 Mid Terms as the Left flipped multiple State Blue by CHEATING LIKE BRAZEN BANDITS.
We all screamed at him "FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, DOOOO SOMETHING!!"
He just wasn't TELLING US.
That would be SUB-OPTIMAL as it wouldn't have given Trump the opportunity to SHATTER all of his enemies at ONE GO in 2020.
Trump's people (Feds & MILITARY) MONITORED everything the Democrats did on November 3rd.
His YouTube Channel is AMAZEBALLS.
Just like #HunterGate, he lays out a DAMNING CASE of Election Fraud.
Stop calling it VOTE FRAUD, If I vote 6 times THAT's Vote Fraud. If I SWITCH VOTE #'S that's ELECTION FRAUD.
"B-But the MSM & BIG TECH won't let the Story out!" People whine to me.
Legacy Media is about to be SHATTERED forever.
BIG TECH is going to be PROVEN to be biased & will be broken up.
Because Trump isn't TRYING to win the PR War.
He's winning the REAL WAR=IN COURT.
Biden is your NU President! BOW DOWN BEFORE HIM!
A Child Sniffing Corruptocrat owned by the CCP.
All the ENTHRALLED Americans who voted for Biden have accepted THE SCRIPT in this American HORROR Movie.
Watch what happens when Trump FLIPS THAT SCRIPT!
When he's LEGALLY & MORALLY declared the winner & gets FOUR MORE YEARS it will look like this=
(Sauron's Tower is the accumulated POWAH! of the Deep State. Dems, the MSM, Big Tech, ALL OF THEM!)
Their Shitty Movie REWRITTEN with them powerless to stop it!
The next 2 to 3 weeks will stun many.
As Trump, Giuliani & Barr drop DEVASTATING PROOF BOMBS in Court & with the assistance of NEW MEDIA herald the END of the Enemy's Dark Grip upon OUR Voices.
The Structure the Left Built, their BARAD DUR (Dark Tower) will come crashing down.
America reached a CRISIS POINT in 2016 & we BEAT THEIR CHEAT then, & we're going to beat it now.
Despite their best DIRTY TRICK efforts.
Because Trump KNOWS who they are.
He knew how to beat them-LEGALLY.
As he destroys THEIR "Great Reset" he launches one of his own.
Trump's GREAT RESET doesn't involve locking populations down until their economies & middle class are destroyed leaving them NO OPTIONS but to kiss the Jackboot as it lovingly stomps in your face for eternity.
Using a contrived HEALTH EMERGENCY with a 99.997 survival rate
Nope, President Trump, in his 2nd GLORIOUS Term without those piranha ankle biters being able to SANDBAG him at every turn will foment a magnificent, benevolent GREAT RESET I call #AmericanaRISING.
Stability, prosperity & SANITY unrivaled in human history.
Treasured & appreciated
Because we've EXPERIENCED their polar opposites.
We had to SEE their Masks drop & recoil in horror from what was revealed in all it's stark inhumanity & dark intent.
Many will shake off their control but MANY WON'T.
Accept it.
Leave them behind as you ensure their powerlessness
Let them wander like Leaderless Orcs bereft of their DARK FORCE MULTIPLIERS (MSM & BIG TECH) as we bask in the joy of the #PaxAMERICANA
But never forget what we suffered at their hands.
& remain vigilant.
All it takes is ONE SLEEPING Generation to put us back in the DANGER ZONE.
We WERE asleep.
Now we are AWAKENED.
The WOKE adherents to Marxism's foul NU Religion will fade away & with them will go the insanity they demanded we convert to.
Because WE will be too busy being AWESOME to care.
& that awesomeness will soon go Worldwide.
Ripples to Tsunamis
#WHOOPSIE! So much for your long planned GREAT RESET, eh Globalists?
Our UNITY & combined power as a free people was what they always feared & worked tirelessly to destroy.
To make us HATE one another.
Well, ONE MAN was working even MORE tirelessly.
& now you know WHY.
These Threads are now my only source of income.
To support my Works you can donate any amount at  and I Thank You!

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Just realized in never linked Patrick Gunnels' narration of my Thread!
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