So... here’s the thing...
You know I’m a proponent of protest as a very important method of resistance.
But I do agree here. Depending on the case and situation, this has been a VERY valid tactic in Germany to oppose certain Nazi groups and marches. Thread.
Generally the idea is to never let nazis do their thing without opposition, UNLESS their goal is the confrontation. If a march or an event is planned by them to stir up or anticipate violence, it’s a great tactic to make them march in deserted streets.
It happened in my home town. Where I group up, antifa and the anarchist punk scene was really strong. So for a while, a Nazi group from our of town registered marches in our city to upset people and stir up confrontation for propaganda purposes.
And for quite some time, the Nazi group got what they wanted: confrontation, fights in the streets. Of course using it to discredit their counter protests by saying “We came here peacefully and with a registered protest!” And so on. Some bad couple of weeks for us.
At some point after weeks of this, an antifa group called for a different tactic where nobody would go to oppose them, where we asked residents to stay inside, lock their windows and doors and make them march through an absolute ghost town. Which they did. And it worked.
Now, this doesn’t mean we should never counter protests them - we do!! Opposing nazis is vitally important. BUT not playing into their propaganda tactics sometimes can be useful and being smarter than them can hold very valid results depending on the situation.
In the situation we are in right now, I believe our efforts are - for the moment - better placed in politics. We won the election. Let them thrash. Ignore their bullshit, don’t legitimize it. Oppose them vehemently in courts. Don’t allow them to undermine democratic values.
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