Out of all the analysis about the NEC election result, one clear take away is a confirmation of how the views and behaviour of the Twitter hard left do not reflect the views and priorities of the vast majority of members. Why? (1/7)
@lukeakehurst sustains consistent levels of abuse on this platform that would make others wilt. The Twitter hard left have spent years seizing on every little part of his past and present, picking it apart and conspiracy theorising in the most disingenuous ways (2/7)
While he's not alone in receiving such abuse, I doubt if there are that many people who aren't actually current politicians who receive this level of political abuse on the internet. It seems that he's become a bogeyman for the online hard left... (3/7)
...who have been all too eager to wrap him up into their antisemitic conspiracy theories that have abounded in recent years.

And it's quite funny how many of the online hard left when grasping for insults to through think that Luke is actually an MP! (4/7)
But I think it's a sign of progress in our party when a former councillor who has been so utterly demonised by the hard left for running a faction dedicated to Labour winning political power can top the poll in the CLP section ballot of the NEC... (5/7)
It shows that the noisy idiots on Twitter don't actually matter. And all their dissembling about the NEC results and attempts to "win the argument" just show that the trend to their complete irrelevance continues... (6/7)
Well done @lukeakehurst for topping the NEC poll and well done to the membership for seeing right through the online hard left campaign of demonisation and putting one of the hardest working Labour Party organisers back on our governing body. (7/7)
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