Why did I learn analytics?

It took me several years to realize that the oil and gas industry is the kind of industry that locks people with no big capital like me into being a forever employee.

Without having millions in the bank account, there is no way I can set-up my own company and start a sustainable business in this industry.

This realization and my visions of how I see myself in the future forced me into making a plan of taking a master’s degree in analytics.
The other thing I noticed is the marketplace for those with analytics related skills is far more efficient.

Plus, breaking into owning a business or freelance in the industry where analytics related skills are needed, such as marketing & retail, is much easier.
Don’t get me wrong - I enjoy being an employee. Not only it provides me with an excellent learning opportunity, but a stable income too.

And I am very lucky to never experience unemployment. Being an employee enabled me to gain job skills and professional qualities.
But the idea of putting my future all into others’ hands doesn’t sound like a good thing to me. At some point in my life, I need flexibility more than anything.

If no one tells you this before, realize that with current technological advancement, you have far better choices.
Therefore, it's good to start asking yourself, especially at a very young age - how do I see myself in the future? Am I the type who prefers working for someone until I retire,

or to start something on my own from the beginning or, more practically, in the middle of my career?
Social conditioning makes us want a proper job with a stable income, which is great.

But in my experience, the quality of your work will be far more superior if you like what you do. Hence, knowing yourself and have answers to fundamental life questions at an early age helps.
It is not unusual for a student to not know whether you are learning the right course and which industry you want to join after your graduation.

But that does not mean you can't have some level of intuition about your preference. You, more or less know your personality.
Build a mental picture of how you see yourself in the future, what kind of work you want to do that allows you to give your best & make you fulfilled.

At the end of the day, it's not the question of one choice is better than the other. It's the question of what's best for you.
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