4 Psychologically important elements to add to your headlines...

To give them an easy 10x Boost!

Without these elements however much you try, Your headlines won't work!

Use as many as you can from these 4 and earn big.

[ THREAD - John Caples Headline Mastery ] https://twitter.com/WilliamCantLose/status/1307710899751456771
Why headlines are important?

Headlines are important because they're first contact of copy with user!

Studies show that 5x more people read headlines than body copy!

So, If your headline ain't powerful, You're losing a fuck ton of money on the table!


Onto nxt step!
4 elements of successful headlines!

1. Self-interest/Big-Promise

It is the self-interest hook that'll capture them like a trap catches a bear.

It's the best benefit you can offer to your audience.

Exam: How to win friends and influence people

Leave, 'How to', Rest is promise
2. News

News elements spins the minds of people!

They get sucked in, coz they want to find out the unknown!

That is how human mind is trained:

To know everything of benefit and everything thats dangerous!

News element can be very important sometimes!

Exam: 'Discover 7 ...'
3. Curiosity

Curiosity needs no introduction!

Curiosity is by far the most important and powerful tool to sell anything.

If you can raise someone's curiosity...

God knows what you can get:

- Another life
- Millions of dollars
- However much pussy

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4. Quick and Easy way

Everybody want the "Magic Pill."

No-one, Literally no one wants to work their ass off!

Everybody just wants something magical that can give them anything they want overnight!

So, Get your headlines as close as you can to this 'Magic Pill'
That'd be it for this one.

I hope combined with @WilliamCantLose Thread...

It completes a $27 guide, that you just got for free.

If you can learn these, I can guarantee you succesful headline.

Have fun, Cheers!

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