still thinking about how much fear there is when it comes to marginalized folks writing about their own lived experiences because they’re terrified of having the ownvoices label weaponized against them.

if you’re someone who thinks this isn’t a thing, i promise it is.
watching so much discourse over the years has made it clear that:
- BIPOC are held to way higher standards and get far less support
- mastering the language of social justice does not always equal an understanding of context and nuance
as a marginalized writer it sometimes feels like having to break through wall after wall, while also having to deal with the mental gymnastics of being told you aren’t ENOUGH of your marginalization by people on social media
if you’re struggling with this today, i see you. keep writing your stories, even when that fear holds you back. i know it sucks to have another barrier in this industry, but your story is YOURS. you’re allowed to tell it.
stay on your path. ignore the noise. KEEP GOING. because somewhere in the world is a person who will forever be impacted by your words. don't let your fear keep you from writing the book they need most 💜
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