14 November 2020 #MAGAanalysis

Release The Kraken

I'll give you the best clip I found of @SidneyPowell1's @LouDobbs interview, below. It takes a monster to #DrainTheSwamp, and clearly, Sidney is a Monster's Master. We're watching history, folks. We're making history.
2) Here's the link, it's actually embedded in a Tweet. Does anyone else struggle to get from Twitter over to YouTube where that clip must reside? No matter, I'm happy to share this Tweet, and I'm going to watch it again, now... https://twitter.com/hppyjesusfreak/status/1327391155235897345?s=20
3) I'll take her points best as I can.

* Dominion Software - soon, everyone in the world will know this name. To my mind, there is no worthier source of information than @SidneyPowell1. I knew the election was stolen, but she tells us how.

* It was created in Venezuela...
4) ...for Hugo Chavez. Whoa, we have slow down a moment. I remember that! I had to check, it was 1999. It kind of bugged me how it happened, but I never studied it, or thought much more about it since. Have you? So, a communist takeover in Western Hemisphere. Hmm.
5) The purpose of the software was a

* Votes For International Purchase scheme

I always going off about 1848 and the Communist Manifesto, and how it's got the overall guidelines for what we see today. But NOT this! This is new!!! Suborn the vote by technology. Impressive.
6) And before we move on from that point. 1999? 21 years ago? Had we stopped using Commodore computers yet by then? I jest. But imagine the state of technology back then compared to today. It boggles my mind. If any of you tech types can help me out, I'd be grateful, indeed!
7) Get this! Who's behind this software, money-wise?

* Venezuela - Cuba - China are involved

Have I ever shared the story of my friend who was a Chinese spy in Mexico, and whose mission was Mexico/Cuba relations? I'm not kidding.
8) What a great guy he was, really. Funny. Charming. And most important, he owned the very best Chinese Restaurant in Cancun. I like to go to restaurants in between meals when the rush is gone. We'd go of an afternoon, often as we could, and he'd come sit and chat with us.
9) That is except when he wasn't there. After about 3 or 4 different times when he was gone - oh wait, he was absolutely 100% Chinese, and he always taught our son Nico a Chinese language lesson, at every meal. Nico loves languages. He was the only Chinese Restaurant owner there.
10) So with all these travels of his, and him being so fabulously Chinese, oh, the food was amazing!, we had our suspicions. Ah, but one time after a particularly long stint away, I just had to ask. Where do you go when you're not here? Cuba, he happily told me. Cuba. Uh huh.
11) And what do you do in Cuba? Oh, I have a wrist watch importing company that I operate from Cuba. American citizens love to buy wrist watches when they travel there.

No, he never said "I'm a spy." But then, they don't usually tell you as much as he told us with many smiles.
12) Cancun Chinese Spy story completed...

What a collection of nations. Wouldn't you have to say that they're they're three of the strongest pure Communist players on the global field? And two of them in missile shooting distance of us.
14) If not, it's absolutely required reading. You have to get it. When you do, you'll see on page after page how unbelievably competent @SidneyPowell1 is in managing names, dates, witnesses, testimony, and proof of any and all kinds required to establish the truth.
15) When Sidney uses the term "stupendous" twice, you don't want to be on the other side of the case she's making. She's never wrong about her data.

* Election Night Vote Switches

That, evidently, is the moment the real story occured. More on that to come...
16) Sidney now turns to...

* Governors and Secretaries of States

She explains that many of them participated in this extraordinary theft, benefitting from its power to give them votes, or financially, them and their families.
17) Man do I hate it when I lose a story. There was an article I blundered into on the history of Soros and the initiative to elect Secretaries of States, in swing States, specifically for the purpose of controlling the outcome of elections. I have to go look again, now...
19) Here's the second. You researchers, diggers (and yes, especially you awesome Q people!), I imagine you're already all over this. Don't hesitate to share, please. And if you're not already all over this, well...

20) To make the connection back to Sidney's Governors and Secretaries of States in the right here and now, they're the market for the software and its corrupting power, and it is they who are on the front line of subverting this election. Sidney coming? You don't want to be them.
21) This point is my favorite of it gets...


Yeah, that's absolutely a 3 asterisk point for sure.
22) Seriously, the very essence of The Cabal is demonstrating its fear, loathing, desperation, and panic right now. Look at the long lines of investment and corrupt assets they've laid down over the decades. Look at their collapse under Trump and MAGA. They're scared.
23) At this point in my notes we have a bottom-of-the-screen ticker interruption. Who knew? I sure didn't. @SidneyPowell1 is a member of the President's Legal Team. Did you notice that? Did you already know? When I saw that I stopped the video, and my shoulders dropped in relief.
24) We have shouted from the depths of our collective MAGA soul these past 5 years...


We have been disappointed again and again. No need to review the history of disappointments.
25) That one notice on the bottom of the screen means more to me that we are winning and that we will not fail on that mission, than any other things since the early morning of November 9, 2016. Have I shared that I had the honor to be on the phone with @GenFlynn that moment?
26) What does Sidney tell us was the real outcome?

* @realDonaldTrump won the election by a LANDSLIDE

The overwhelming evidence is...

* Irrefutable

And that brings us back, for a moment, to the election night vote switching mentioned above.
27) Who remembers Thomas Crown? You can take your pick, both actors absolutely nailed the part. Crown's great specialty was to steal the most valuable thing and do it while everyone was there, in broad daylight.
28) Sidney tells us the switch came in the night, but you know, election night? That's pretty close to broad daylight if you ask me. The most watched political event in the entire world, once every 4 years. I hate to use such a wonderful word, but it does take hutzpah.
29) With what they thought would be invisible technology, millions of votes were switched flipping a landslide victory and throwing it to the weakest candidate we've ever seen. Even Clinton 2 worked harder to win than Biden did. Now that's a Crown-caliber theft. Wow.
30) Finally - although the clip was cut short due to YouTube limitations - Sidney calls for a...

* Massive Investigation

And adds these players as well...

* Big Tech, Social Media, MS Media
We pause our thread at #30, as Pasquale needs to make some coffee before we turn to a supporting article from Jim hoft and its implications.

Coffee is good.
Back again. I wanted to share both a picture and a video, and wasn't able to do so. So, here's the picture, first. That's when I first started making my coffee.
And here’s what it looks like while it’s brewing! Can you smell how delicious that is by just watching?
32) Here's my theory, but it comes straight from Sidney's interview. The Intel Community has been, along with so many others in our Government, knee deep in the theft of the election. Actually, more on this after we finish working on Sidney's guidance.
33) After @KateScopelliti watched Sidney's clip, I asked, what do you think? They're in BIB TROUBLE, Kate told me! Slow on the uptake sometimes, I wasn't sure if she was talking about Trump team or The Cabal. Idiot me, of course it was The Cabal she referred to. Kate's eyes roll.
34) Do not worry, Sidney tells us, even after they may certify. Her evidence is so massive, so overwhelming - and I add, again, she's a member of Trump's Legal Team now! - that we need not fear the outcome. Where do you find that kind of confidence, strength, force of character?
35) I have to wonder, could McConnell get her confirmed as AG in the Senate? Forgive me all you Sessions and Barr fans, imagine if, instead of Sessions, Trump had Sidney as AG from then till now? What a wonderful world that would be.
36) But, no matter. We had to go through what we had to go through. There's no draining the swamp without getting your feet mucked up in swamp gore and crud. What a gory, cruddy time it's been while siphoning through all the Swamp Creatures and Cabal Minions, right?
37) So here's my policy, now. Between now and Trump's concession - which is NOT going to happen! - I am going to work on relaxing, knowing Sidney's on the wall. With her as our sentinel, I'm going to get more REM cycles of sleep, now, and dream fewer nightmares. Ha!
39) Speaking of heroes in Government - true heroes like Sidney - it doesn't get any better that Rep. Louie Gohmert. I love this guy. I love his humble, honest, dedicated approach to everything he does. Here's his video from the article:
40) And please note the kindly, so-concerned, helpful guidance from YouTube. I wonder, did anyone ever do any research on whether warnings on cigarette packages reduced smoking? I'd bet not, but who knows?
41) Ha! "analyses indicated that communications emphasizing the severity of a threat are less effective than communications focusing on susceptibility, and that warning labels may have no effect among smokers who are not confident that they can quit"

42) Sorry about that. I had to check...

Back to work. Jim's intel source informs us that our Government determined the Dominion server was in Germany, the State Dept and DOJ negotiated the legal matters and then boom! Us military is there, but not in the lead. The plot thickens.
43) We're told, that's why Esper was fired. Wow! Top brass had to be moved around so that our own military would not sabotage the mission. Wow again! And just how sensitive is the information on that server? The theft of the election sensitive.
44) So now do you see why my coffee break buddy sent me the story about Haspel NOT being in the daily briefing of late? I'm not saying the Hill's theories about why are wrong, those are likely all correct. But I like Hoft's guys info better.
45) Jim links us to the extraordinary attorney (he is Nicholas Sandman's attorney) on topic: https://twitter.com/LLinWood/status/1327425499472293888?s=20
46) And here's the thread that Lin Wood retweets. It's just delicious. I wish I had time to go sweet and slow over every detail. I don't. I hope many of you will, please. https://twitter.com/orijonal/status/1327277595583414274?s=20
47) Hoft gives us, one additional, phenomenal link. It's so awesome that I'm going to take a reading break. I've skimmed it, but I have to actually read. I'll give you the link below, but here's the name of ths 2013 article:

Soros-connected Vote-counting Firm Expands in U.S.
48) Not done, but here's a question. Who has the very best ever movie on the topic of corrupt prison guards. No wait, I know, corrupt New York City cops in Serpico!

"Scytl, the worldwide leader in secure online voting and election modernization..." Blah, blah, blah...
49) Okay, more work. Sorry. PPPs. Large-scape public-private partnerships. I don't know this Jim Wolverton yet, but I'm going to learn more about him. 7 years ago he's explaining to us what we need to know right now.
50) Say it isn't so. What in the world (literally) were Joe and Hunter Biden doing in all those nations? Why $3.5 million from the Mayor of Moscow's wife? International PPPs, perhaps? This coming paragraph has to be broken down...
51) "Regardless of the rhetoric, the true purpose of PPPs is to consolidate government and private corporations, giving them joint control over public entities.
52) "The result is the elimination of local sovereignty and the insidious replacement of county election commissions with...
53) "... a board of directors of a company whose mission statement calls for the creation of an executive governing body that is neither fish nor fowl, but is obliged to enforce international treaties and regulations written by the apparatchiks at the UN."
54) Okay, here's a confession you won't get from me often. I'm a bit overwhelmed right now. Between now and tomorrow morning, I'll do more research on this. And for sure I'm going to go follow Wolverton around the Internet, a bit. Here's starting point: https://thenewamerican.com/author/wolverton/
55) in about 20 minutes it's going to be noon somewhere. Maybe I'll make a Bloody Mary and a nice Italian Meats sandwich. Man, I'm exhausted. Then, I have all the Saturday morning work I didn't do to turn to. Alas.

Evil smile.
Thread ends at #55, but as you might have noticed, the work goes on and on.

See you tomorrow!
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