How often have we seen this belief that God has appointed Trump to fight evil and corruption?

It can be found in different forms.

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Whether expressed fervently from some MAGA Trumpster or follower of Qanon...

Believing that Trump's victory granted by God is being stolen away by satan?
In some cases, it's the default position expressed by Catholic priests & laity who see him as the only alternative to the pro-abort, anti-family, anti-religious freedom Democrats. That's predominant but it's become more than that. We see words like this: 
We see the idea promoted by the alleged prophecies of Fr. Michel Rodrigue:

What I can say about President Trump is only what the Father has told me. He said, “This one, I have chosen him. They cannot control him.”
We've seen it promoted with the idea that Trump is a modern day King Cyrus from Benjamin Netanyahu and American evangelicals who have compared Trump to the Persian ruler since the Republican primaries.
But most concerning is how we've seen support of Trump promoted by Archbishop Vigano (and pushed by many including Taylor Marshall, Church Militant, and Michael Matt).

Screencap from @rtf_media

Video here:
There IS corruption within our church but the dialectic of Trump/Vigano vs. Biden/Pope Francis is being set up intentionally.
Be wary, the elect are being deceived.

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