I’m proud of the work we’re doing @brentfordfc and especially the work on equality, diversity and inclusion which @tigmon has led us on. Monique and others in the team have been tireless in pushing us to be better 1/10 https://twitter.com/BrentfordFC/status/1326804781747277824
I think ours is a different approach from some, though. This isn’t to be worthy. It’s nice that it’s good PR but not the purpose. Some people have been surprised about how much Brentford has achieved but we've made progress by accepting the science of better decision making 2/10
Human decision making is flawed. People have innate prejudice. It’s part of being human and recognising those flaws and making some effort to move beyond them, is what has made us (a bit) better 3/10
Group think bias, gambler’s fallacy, confirmation bias … the list goes on. Some examples of thinking which we try and challenge. It gets reported as a diversity initiative, but this is about being a better football club 4/10
Finding talent in places others are not looking is something Brentford has become well known for, at least when it comes to on pitch talent. But we can use the same approach off the pitch for everything we do 5/10
We can also use it to welcome new fans in a world where persuading families to give up Saturdays will become harder. Habits have changed because of the pandemic and we need to encourage a generation to come back to football when other activities will tempt them away 6/10
Not everyone likes our approach. I already see rumblings from an element of fans who don't like the club using the language of inclusion. I never found Griffin Park intimidating but I feel like there are some fans who wanted it to be 7/10
For those fans, initiatives to diversify and be inclusive are uncomfortable. But I hope eventually many of them will see that the same methods that are making us better on the pitch will do the same off it 8/10
I'm not even sure we want to get the stage where we are known as "most inclusive club". It would make it sound like "job done". The boss always discourages that kind of thinking because the job is never done 9/10
We will always work to be better. By staying humble, and learning from our mistakes. And for the tiny minority that won’t be persuaded ... they best find another club because we aren’t going to change our minds. It's science, innit? 10/10
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