Don’t get it confused, I promote for a living, most cryptos are useless, I rarely 🦍, I am not a degenerate gambler, I consider myself cautious.
It’s been a while since I have enjoyed a telegram chat so much that I find myself catching up on all the chat
You can tell a lot about a TG, some teams do not have their finger on the pulse, it’s obvious to the experienced hustlers, solid projects are in the minority and that’s just the way it is. If your new learn fast, adapt and stay fluid, these projects do not and I repeat
Have your best interests as their No 1 priority, it’s so obvious as this space is fuelled by greed , the good guys are in the minority.
Why do I make this bold statement?
Because the proof is in the pudding and in the pudding it’s in the taste. We have now the ability with the
The help of @VitalikButerin genius the power to design, within a smart contract a system that looks out for everyone, a just & fair framework that has been worked on since 2019 , inspired by the oh so familiar words we catch ourselves saying “ there has to be a better way”
Now I’m not here to bash HEX, but to take that idea one step further , keeping it as transparent as possible, to deliver as planned with the class that Peter has shown truly deserves some recognition and I hope the same success of the giants like BTC and Eth.
You can follow @DefiOracle.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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