For my personal awakening journey, knowing my Starseed incarnations is where my awakening really took a major turn... I learned how to do the Starseed reading back in 2015 because I was just so interested & captivated by it all on the mission to find myself...
Back then there wasn’t as much information on all the different Starseed locations & very few people providing the service to interpret Starseed origins... so I taught myself & learned how to figure it out... like most people... the first time you encounter this information...
It looks completely foreign... but it all resonated and made sense to why I never felt like I belonged here or fit in... & since figuring out my Starseed origins in 2015 I continue on the rabbit hole journey of discovering more & more about the locations, myself & my mission here
It’s important to understand that the awakening process is an unfolding journey... I’m still connecting dots to things to this day & learning about myself... the first time you read your reading it’s not all going to click & you won’t have it all figured out...
But it’s the initiation & start to your knowing. It also opens the doorway for you to make ‘first contact’ with the races who have been guiding you your whole life.
Your starseed race is usually heavily involved in your youth years & then they disappear usually during your teenage years to let you live life a little without them interfering... they then show back up usually in your ~20s to make their presence known to you...
But they'll only make their presence known once YOU ARE READY... & it won't happen a second before this... they're very strategic in their involvement due to the 'free will' aspect of Earth... & they try to make our awakening process as smooth as possible...
So if you're not consciously ready to meet them then they won't present's all with your best interest in mind. They're most likely been guiding you your whole life via dreams but the symbolism was probably extremely abstract to your conscious mind..again by design.
When they re-arrive in your 20s they start sending you signs of their vibrational energy existence near you..whether that be light flashes, the feeling of something present in the room with you, showing up in the middle of the night on a light orb starship in your bedroom, etc...
And then the contact builds on itself based on your consciousness and growth and YOU BEING READY TO RECEIVE THEM... the more aware you are the more your relationship with them builds & grows stronger...
its important to know your origins because then you can contact something instead of blindly looking into the night sky at stars asking "where are you? when are you coming"...
It helps if you can contact the Pleiadians or the Sirians... this will make the open contact happen alot sooner for you... many of them will present their communication to you telepathically... showing up as random urges to do something or thoughts of them...
Physical presence is very much an 'earth bound' concept... on earth people need to 'see' something physical in order to 'know it exists'..well in other advanced parts of the universe this isn't's known that theres just as much existence of beings that are unseen...
The 'first contact' rumor & misconceptions happening here right now are actually delaying your 1st contact because we have people who are so set on seeing a physical existence that they're completely missing the telepathic messages and signs being sent...
This misconception is delaying you. If your awake right now, you're still considered a very small minority of 'awake people' in the world right now... physical presentation that everyone keeps referring to, that's for when the whole world is woke...
& if you look around you, that's not happening any time soon, realistically. So stop wasting your energy complaining & worrying & doubting this event... first contact came for some people 50+ years ago in the modern day timeline...
& it can happen for you whenever you decide to wake up your realistic understanding of how this whole process works.... the timeline you're experiencing is totally controlled BY YOU.
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