
- Easy part: convincing older and vulnerable people to be vaccinated. They feel COVID as a real threat. Potential immunity offers relief and gives them their life back

- Hard part: convincing low-risk individuals to be vaccinated.
They perceive the personal risk as low. If case numbers, hospitalizations and deaths fall thanks to vaccination of those at risk, will low-risk individuals make (maybe 2) appointments to be vaccinated?

To do:

- Start taking about the need for community immunity to end the pandemic
- Remind people that even a 90% effective vaccine leaves 1 in 10 vulnerable to infection
- Stress that while most people don't suffer #LongCovid, some do and this would be avoidable via vaccines
Bonus challenge:

- Explain now that in any group of ~millions of older and high-risk people, some will die this week

- It is certain that when the vaccine is introduced, some people will die in the days or weeks after being vaccination

- A public refresher course in correlation vs cause and effect is needed in advance (rather than trying to explain later)

- Transparently monitor excess deaths and publish data *asap*
Finally, let's focus less on the 'Pfizer vaccine' or 'J&J vaccine' and more on the people developing vaccines and on their motivations

That means hearing from scientists like Ugur Sahin and Ozlem Ture, and initiatives like @projecthalo

We can end the pandemic if most people are immune. Not everyone needs to be immune - we can carry some (but not too many) free riders

Let's make this a once-in-a-lifetime response to a once-in-a-lifetime challenge. Frame it as a shared responsibility.

The prize is huge.

p.s. We'll need to see eligible politicians, scientists, doctors and vaccine company executives getting their shots

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