Today is #WorldDiabetesDay, so I’m putting my own spin on their #nailingdiabetes challenge.

Rather than painting my nails blue (I’m less than experienced in this area 😂), I’ve brought out all of the blue football shirts in my collection! 💙⚽️

Something I’ve never mentioned on here before is that I’m actually diabetic (type 1).

I was diagnosed in August this year, so it’s all still relatively new to me but so far everything has gone well for me. Sharing my story today to help anybody who’s recently been diagnosed!
I had a lot of classic symptoms, constant thirst and losing weight without trying etc.

After speaking with my GP I went for a blood test at my local hospital, and that confirmed that I was diabetic. It was a scary prospect at first!
I remember sitting in the hospital (alone, due to COVID) and thinking that my life wouldn’t ever be the same. Having to start injecting insulin straight away, and keeping up with that every day has been an adjustment!
But it quickly becomes the norm, and it’s not as bad as it sounds! For me, it’s also been a bit of a blessing as I’m now a lot more careful with what I eat/drink, so the weight I lost at the beginning has largely stayed off!
I would strongly encourage anybody who has been recently diagnosed to think positive! It’s what got me through the initial struggle and now, having lived with type 1 for a few months I’m feeling great! And there’s a lot of support out there if you need it 👍🏻
Everybody who has helped me within the NHS has been fantastic as well, and I can’t thank them enough 👏🏻 They’ve really made a difference to me, and I know the support is there for me if I need it 👍🏻

My family, friends and colleagues have all be fantastic as well 💙
Today I’d love to see all of my fellow kitsters get involved, and share your collections of blue shirts or your favourite blue shirts with me! 💙⚽️

And if you’re diabetic as well, I’d love to hear your story! 👍🏻

#WorldDiabetesDay #nailingdiabetes #AllTogether
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