Unionisation is an admirable goal, but what many wrestlers actually need is the ability to say no: no to bad creative, no to harming their brand, no to a ban on Twitch streaming. If WWE wants to control your activities, make them pay in other benefits; hard cash, if you like. https://twitter.com/Zelina_VegaWWE/status/1327382306491928576
Negotiate your contracts with an agent or lawyer. If you don't like the terms, don't sign. WWE has signed scores of people they don't want on their roster; if they ACTUALLY WANT YOU, THEY'LL TELL YOU THEY'RE JUST A PHONE CALL AWAY.
If I'm to be classed as an independent contractor, you can add a zero or two before the decimal point before I put someone else over at my expense. (Please note the distinction that it is possible to get over while losing, which I'm not including here.)
In the absence of unionisation, your contract is your personal union, where you set the terms. Want to have it writing that your in-ring injuries are to be covered by the company? Have it put in. If they won't, have them pay your insurance premium or similar, or walk away.
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