just found out the officer in charge of Abu Ghraib, Janis Karpinski, put out an autobiography called "One Woman's Army" in 2005 where she argues she couldn't have been expected to follow up on any of the reports of abuse she received. hashtag girlboss am i right ladies
but being a real girlboss means supporting other women's careers — 27% (3/11) of the US military personnel who were convicted of criminal acts connected to Abu Ghraib prisoner abuse were women, though women were just 15% of US Army active duty members!
All the women I'm aware of who were involved in prisoner abuse at Abu Ghraib were white. They have all leaned heavily on a narrative where they were lost, confused, abused, scapegoated, manipulated — victims, in short.
Many of these claims may even be true! The military is an abusive environment; it's part of how people are conditioned to accept and take part in atrocities. Ultimately, you are still responsible for the choices you make.
not sure how "the junior officer accused of war crimes had an overly compliant personality" is a defense but go off
Specialist Megan Ambuhl: shot, chaser
this is about a woman who posed, smiling, with a man who had just been tortured to death
anyway i have thoroughly depressed myself but honestly, the argument that women in love can't be expected to know war crimes are bad is staggeringly misogynist
addendum: most of the senior personnel responsible for the abuse of people incarcerated in Abu Ghraib were promoted :)
this thread is about women but you know who else is to blame for US war crimes? Europe, pretty directly https://twitter.com/AsFarce/status/1327593655897493504
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