It's been a difficult week, the environment of main stream school is proving to be difficult to function within. School are being good and are willing to learn and adapt ( as much as possible) I was a bit shocked at how little understood #Autism is amongst the staff. 1/
If regional SEN depts are going to insist mainstream is suitable for our children then they need to take time and care to properly educate the teachers. How can they adapt an environment if they have little or no knowledge of how it feels to function within it! 2/
To help I put together a small document breaking down a school day for an #autistic person. Highlighting how that person would perceive a classroom full of children, all making individual noise, flickering light fittings, wall displays that are too bright and distracting 3/
How every interaction of the day would be analysed over and over, then worried about, and during all this time a mask would have to be maintained to give the perception of being NT just like everyone else is. I did quite a bit on how hard it is to mask 4/
To repress the very essence of who we are every day is draining and in cases damaging. A teacher asked me when the masking would stop? I couldn't answer! Will the world ever be inclusive enough for this to happen? Honestly.. I just don't know
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