Hi, my name is Jess, and I’m a safety professional. Sorry about that. I just think it’s fair to know that if you do everything right and still get hurt, I will fight for you to get everything covered by worker’s compensation. That being said, I can’t help stupid.
You don’t want to wear the mask/goggles/respirator/gloves whatevs- I get it. PPE isn’t fun. But I’ve seen a dude who did woodworking for 30+ years filet his palm with a planer
So maybe some rules exist for a reason. In fact, most industrial/occupational safety rules are written in blood
Not because they want to be, but because people have been hurt or killed. Not because people close to the OSHA director have been hurt or killed, but because it’s happened to enough people that a trend was noticed within an industry or activity
I got into this job because people who mean the world to me did hazardous jobs to provide for loved ones; and I’ve been in sewers and shit tanks to earn an income.
And I say, as someone who has voluntarily exposed themselves to all kinds of shit, please listen to science. I would rather protect you too much and see you alive and butthurt than disregard precautions and lose anyone. Even if I think you’re dumb.
Please be a dipshit I can bitch at instead of a grave I will inevitably be too busy to remember
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