THREAD: Visiting the relics of the True Cross in Santa Croce in Gerusalemme

This unspectacular church near San Giovanni hosts, if true, real relics from the cross Jesus Christ died on.

As we are used to smile in derision when we hear "relics" - is it possible these are true?..
...short version: there's little doubt that they come from the relics Saint Helena found in 325 AD in Jerusalem. The church is built directly into a part of her former private palace. And the relics have been venerated here since the 4th century...
at the END I'll post an article
So what do you get to see when your make your way into the chapel of the relics? This window with small fragments of the cross (centre), the titulus (bottom right) and a nail, thorns etc. The larger piece is supposed to be from the cross of the good thief...but are they real..?
Here I see an ironic smile on the lips of twentyfirst century sceptics. "We know, not least from Monty Python movies, how stupid people were in the past. Why, they would even buy a Feather of the Holy Spirit. ha!"

I will answer by saying what we know if the Titulus here...
It is a nutwood piece with the words "Jesus of Nazareth" written in three languages, btw Roman and Greek also written from right to left (seems to have been a mistake native scribes did). But where is "King of the Jews? We have to go to antique sources....
We know from sources the Title of the Cross was venerated in the 4th cent. in Jerusalem. But it bore ONLY the words "King of the Jews". So Helena cut the title in half and brought the RIGHT half here. The Jerusalem half disappeared through the centuries...but this remains!
...The writing has been submitted to several specialists in Israel and elsewhere and is consistent with with the 1st century. Which clashes with a C-14 test that has been done recently but there are arguments against it....
Finally I like to point you to an article from 2019 by specialist @MichaelHesemann on @KatholikenNet - unfortunately written in German - you will have to use Google translate - but it's worth while as it contains MANY MORE very good arguments. go and visit Santa Croce in Gerusalemme next time in Rome like millions before .

And even if I can't guarantee that the Relics are all real the chance that at least some are should propel you there at your next visit.

And venerate the death of Christ...
PS Under the church is the "Chapel of Helena" that contained original earth the empress brought from Mount Calvary (hence "di Gerusalemme") - and the relics for centuries.

couldn't visit it because it was closed (Corona??)
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