I had plans for my wedding night after being celibate for 2 years. I had been very sexually active before I got saved, so I built up excitment for when I'd be having sex, God's way. I had plans of not even sleeping that night and trying any style I could conjure up 😏😈
Which was a HUGE mistake, because the sex I had built anticipation for, was going to be all about me, selfish. Thankfully, a month or two before our wedding day I had been meditating on what the Love of God is. Then it hit me;
God's love is sacrificial, and prefers the other person above it's own self. He demonstrated it in Christ and on the Cross. This attribute of God inevitably shows up heavily in everything He created. Sex too.
So contrary to my previous sexual experiences which were all sinful, sex is not about me, it's about me sacrificially giving to my wife. This changed my entire perspective to see our first night totally different.
I realized how tired she might get after such a long day, I also realized how tense she must feel seeing as it was her first time ever. These realizations helped me keep my desires in check and make sure she had the best care and experience.
In this video, my wife and I talk about our wedding night and how it went down. Please subscribe, share and comment (we love to read your comments alot! ❀)
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